Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The New Hochstein Residence

We just signed the papers today and we can start moving in on May 29th! Woohooo! We probably won't live there for a while after that since Justin's apartment contract is up at the end of June and we will be a bit busy right after the wedding. I'm glad I saw this house after the first adventure house we looked at. The first house smelled like bad beach motel and when we walked in the basement we found that it came with its own beach! The floor of standing water (who knows how long it's been flooded, the house has been vacant for a year) was a little discouraginig, and I didn't think I would be happy with any house on base after that. The house we are going to live in is old on the outside (built in either the 60s or 70s, don't lick the paint) and new on the inside. And we don't pay for anything but phone, internet, and cable. Yay. Details: Duplex, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom (small ones), big living/dining room, Front yard, back yard, no basement, storage shed (out front, kind of ugly), fridge, oven, and dishwasher included. We will live here for a year and then move into the REALLY nice, new housing on base. Wooohooooo! Come visit us!


Mom said...
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Mom said...

I think it looks like a great "free" first house!

Mom said...

I think it looks like a great "free" first house!