Monday, August 4, 2008

johnboy 8-04-08

Well thanks everyone for the letters this week. That’s crazy that you guys have
been married for 29 years. That’s awesome. Glad to hear Kristi is doing well in
volleyball, I got to play some volleyball the other day and I have lost a bit. The
way I get fat is eating about 6 times a day. And these people don’t hold back. They
keep offering and you cant reject it. But I have started working out harder to get
rid of it. So I think I will be find. But I do want to hear Kristi making varsity
this year. Just need to go out and shoot more. Hey I went out and practiced a lot
outside. A lot of times you guys didn’t even know it… but I could have done more.
And that’s exciting that school starts next week. I was thinking about that the
other day. And how can Nathan and Fernando be coming home? They just left…man I
want to see them. Tell them to write me with a picture. And I want to hear how there
Spanish is. O ya I had my interview with president and I think I will finish my
mission in the same area. Haha no but he said I will have a lil more time here maybe
because this area is the Best in the Mission so he told me to stay there keeping
it successful. He also might put in two more missionaries so that means I might
be training soon. Pretty funny I can be training where I was trained. But I love
my area. Its huge and I am getting to know everyone. Just will be harder when I
leave. Umm Guitar is more or less. I have very little time to practice but every
now and again I pick it up and practice the stuff dean sent me. But I think I have
improved a lot. I think its way out of tune too and I don’t know too well how to
fix it. Hey maybe you can send an guitar tuner deal. That would be nice. I did
send an email to Trevor and I will do my best to help him. Man what are all these
new movies coming out…that’s satan really trying at me I guess. Haha no but im fine
now I am really use to living here now. And I can deal with all the rules. But I
am having a good time and working hard. I love you all and thanks for writing. Hope
everything goes well this week, and give refrences to the missionaries! Refrences
are the best way to go. O ya dad what areas did you serve in Columbia there are
a lot of guys in my branch that just came from there. Anyway have a good week, pray
that I can get some good amount of baptisms this month please.


Mom said...

So Dean, What do I get John in the way of guitar tuners? Mom

dean said...

I'm sure any battery powered guitar tuner that has a microphone will work for him. Analog ones are better than digital ones, but those can be more expensive too i think