Monday, August 18, 2008

Uncle John

John's email had the subject title, "Uncle John, I like the sound of that!"
He is mostly answering a lot of questions that I asked. I was mean and told him that I looked forward to Monday just so I can hear from him, that is until Heros starts back in Sept. Of course I told him I was teasing. Scott Kaiser had to come home again from his mission, because he is so sick. He came home once and figured he could serve feeling bad just as easy as he could be home, but I guess he is really sick. They thought it was crones, but now they are not sure. You would never believe he was in Wyoming on his mission. Any way this email made me laugh out loud a couple of times, because it is so John!
Love you all!

O man i thought the day would never come to where i would be an uncle. But that’s really exciting, I just want to see pictures of brooke getting fatter…haha but I will be home not too much longer after the baby so that’s ok. Or maybe brooke can just wait till next Christmas to have the baby? but as for the elections mom the president they have now will stay president and everything is back to normal as I thought it would be. Everyone is all talk down here with the government, they go on strikes and what not for about a day and quit cause they cant afford to miss more time off work or something. I got to see a lil of the Olympics they only show about 2 hours of it everyday here so they just do highlights really. I saw phelps get a couple of his gold that was awesome. He is an amazing athlete, playing around with the best in the world and winning by 4 seconds sometimes. And I saw a lil of basketball of china and spain. When spain won in overtime they looked pretty good. But I hear our united states blows everyone out of the water at last. I saw who all we have on the team and finally we have some good players. Who just play around with the competition. That’s sad about scott coming home again, no offense but I don’t think I would be able to leave. And I am getting attached to my area, we were talking yesterday about how I am famous in my area. Some teenagers that like to give us a hard time learned my name I guess. They yelled out cheesman! And I have never talked to them before word gets around I guess.(the worst are the teenage girls that are around at night) they bother us the most. Well we don’t know if we will get more elders this next change or not I haven’t heard anything. But I think I will be here another change unless president changes his mind from a few weeks ago. This week I finish HALF A YEAR in my area. That’s so crazy I just have to do my area three times over again and im at home. But I am focused on my work don’t worry haha. Um the converts here do stay active, a couple of them fall because they are little kids whose parents aren’t members, which is always pretty hard. Why would you ever say the word Heroes to me.. I have forgotten about that till now. But no its all right just don’t tell me what happens. I did get a couple of baptisms this week and hoping for one more this Saturday. So not all the people that I wanted but a lot of good stuff has been happening so im happy. O ya dad apparently this guy in my ward served in…Palmira I think and how the shower there was just water shooting out of a wall? And if you remember any names from that area he said he knows a lot of old members. Y para el español.. esta bien por ahora solo necesito practicar la pronunciación de todos las palabras porque todavía hay personas que no me comprenden. But i am happy and having a good time here. I hope everything goes well for yall this week. And tell everyone there hello for me. Love you guys and thanks for everything.

1 comment:

lisa forsyth said...

oh good ol johnny... i understood that spanish too!! whooo hoo!