Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Late email from John 12-30-08

Well it was very fun to talk to you guys last week. Nothing too special has happened since then. well i think ever since mom told me i had Mono i think i have it. So i might be seeing the doctor this week. A lot of the guys are getting a kick of saying i got mono on the misiĆ³n. Alter the call we really just stayed in the house all day and built a ginger bread house. Played a lot of guitar too. We did have a zone conference with the president and everyone and i got to see elder Taylor and all the guys from our group. It was pretty fun. Its weird talking about we only have 8 changes left which isnt very much. I am kinda looking forward to changes but im not 24-7 thinking about them of course. We also went to the temple this morning again. That was pretty fun the let down is that we have to wake up at lik 515 in the morning to go. But its all good. The sessions are a little more interesting in spanish to do. Sounds like moms birthday went well. I didnt know a dominos game could last for 4 hours. I do miss that good ol cooking around chirstmas time. Stuffing sounds soo good right now. Thats pretty weird that krisiti went on a date already. Didnt htink she liked boys yet. But thats cool. As for my baptism it went really really well. It was a miracle that we got both baptized. With this teenager we show up to his house and we went to another church to get his interview and he didnt know that his baptism was in like an tour, but he went through with it and everything worked out fine. Then for the next baptism a lady named Tula(i liked saying her name) who i baptized she came with her daughter but we had to post spone it like an tour becuase we couldnt find any witness´. So that was pretty interesting. That stinks that kristi lost her game, thats coming from the guy who has more loses in the fam haha. Thats cool Bo and Eddie are still playing if you see them again tell them hi for me. And Dad i bet you missing that good ol yard work help from us youngins(cause we would help all the time) well new years is this week and its suppose to get pretty crazy here. So i think we will be going back early to the house. but thats really about all thats Going on. Have a good week and i love yall.

1 comment:

Mom said...

I just got John's email. Sorry for the late post. Love you all!